maanantai 29. tammikuuta 2018

Places to visit in Manchester

Manchester has many places to visit like: Manchester town hall, National Football Museum,  Museum of Science and Manchester United football club. Manchester is also known for it’s great nightlife, since there are many great nightclubs to visit. It also has many beautiful parks like Alexandra park.

Geography and Climate

Manchester is located in a plain. It is 40 meters above sea level. Manchester is northwest of Nottingham and southeast from Blackpool. Manchester’s climate is mild, moist and misty. Winters are at around a mild 4C temperature and summers are cool at around 15C. The annual rainfall is 818mm. It rains around half of the days in a year. Manchester rarely sees the sun with 70% of the days it being atleast half covered by the clouds.


Manchester has several different building styles in its city centre thanks to its 19th century wealth, ranging from ancient Greek to Venetian to Gothic.


Manchester is a city with great history. It used to be a small market town with only 10 000 citizen in 1717. But with the industrial revolution it grew to be a massive manufactuaring and commercial city of over 300 000 citizen by 1851. It was amongst the first huge industrial cities. The manufactuaring was mostly textile. By the 20th century its large growth had linked it into the surrounding cotton-manufactuaring towns: Rochdale, Oldham and Bolton thus creating a metropolitan area. By 1991 the population had grown up to 2 350 000, but after that its growth started slowing down due to the problems with the textile industry.


This blog is going to have some general info about Manchester and places to visit there.

Places to visit in Manchester

Manchester has many places to visit like: Manchester town hall, National Football Museum,  Museum of Science and Manchester United football...